Friday, November 25, 2005

Gods work... and friuts of his sweat.

By Mathias Mazinga
Christ the King Church, Kampala, has released an album to commemorate its 75 years of existence. The CD, Celebrating 75 years with Christ the King Church, was launched by Emmanuel Cardinal Wamala during the parish’s anniversary celebrations at the Kampala Mayor’s Gardens last Sunday.

The album comprises English, Luganda, Luo, Runyankore and Latin hymns. The hymns are sang by Christ the King Choirs’ Association, a joint-choral group of all the choirs at the church.

Most prominent among the songs is Christ the King anthem, which was composed by Fr. Dr. James Kabuye, the most celebrated composer of liturgical music in Uganda. The anthem, which takes the classical style, describes the church as “a tent of God, where holy encounter takes place.”

The quality of the voices is amazing. Other songs on the album are God’s Love, Let Your Holy Spirit Come, Praise to God Holiest, Reeka Nkusiime, As the Deer, Tukwebaza Patri, Oh Come Emmanuel, Gipwo En, Adorete Devoote, Soul of My Saviour, Creator, Mujje Abayonta, Yali Maria Ow’okuzaala, Saasana Buna Ensi and Mu Ggulu.

A Swiss producer, who preferred anonymity, recorded the album at Christ the King Church and Ggaba Seminary.

The album, which is in both the CD and cassette form, is available at Christ the King Church and at St. Paul Book Centre, Kampala Road.


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