Thursday, September 01, 2005

Its rainy day....

Illusions of Rotations

[1] Rotating dot whirlpool
Wow! Try staring at this for more than 5 seconds
without going crazy. Then try following it round! =)
Curves constantly die out and then re-evolve as
part of another curve.

[2] The Glowing Core

Look into the center (white point) and stare for a while.
How many colors can you see altogether in the object?
You should see a purplish circle ... and the 4 rotating 'wings' are tinted green.
Make sure you always keep focused on the center.
Once you've done this, read on...

Are those four wings really green?
Amazingly, they are exactly the same color as the circle inside.
Don't believe me? Well, try following one of the wings round.
You'll see that the color matches the inner circle perfectly.

[3] Wheel of Confusion
Which way is the wheel turning?
Focus on the red dots and follow them round ... it appears to be rotating anti-clockwise. However, if you follow the yellow dots round instead,
The whole wheel will be turning the other way! clockwise!

[4] Ambiguity

There's certainly something very ambiguous
about which way this is meant to be up...


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