Friday, July 01, 2005

Yo guys its me ......again at home of course... some times life isnt fair in that you have to be at home ....some times its kinda fair coz i dont get into trouble so that in the end doing some thing for you en me to enjoy....ha...ha...ha... lecturer!
People some times love to choose what they choose because they want to choose what ever has to be good for them as for me i dont choose any thing coz ev'ry thing is bad for me....

Except for this good friend of
mine ... eh let me make ma self clear, this is not ma all time companion so dont let your minds wander! Oh s**t i forgot with in tree days i have college after this long holiday of my "companion".... so i have to prepare.... Well i talk a lot of non sense but hope to give you some more soon.... bye...


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